Saturday, December 10, 2011

Opening Ceremony of Pan Arab Games 2011 - Doha, Qatar

The Arab Games 2011 is currently held in Doha, Qatar from 06 to 23 December 2011 with the marking of Opening Ceremony on 09th December 2011 and Closing Ceremony on the 23rd December 2011.

Source: Wikipedia
The 12th quadrennial Pan Arab Games will be held December 6-23, 2011 in Doha, Qatar. It is the first time the multi-sport event is held in Qatar.

Qatar was awarded rights to organise the games beating Lebanon in the bidding process. Arab Federation for Sports secretary general Othman al-Saad said that Qatar's hosting of the Pan-Arab Games would give the event "more momentum and significance in light of the huge capabilities and world-class sports facilities which Qatar owns."

The Games Mascot: Wathnan was selected as the mascot for the Games. It's a white horse, which is very important in Arbaian culture.

Letih lah nak tulis omputih nie.. entry ni aku tulis campor2 k.. hahhahaa..

Memula sebenarnya nak gi Pasar Malam yg di organize oleh MAQ (Malaysian Association of Qatar) at Hyatt Plaza. pehtu yang paling best.. boleh pulak salah masa.. adeh.. sengal tul lah.. tu ler asik duk layan movie kat rumah aaannnn... hmmm kes parah nie.. berat.. beraaattt.... kekekeke.. nasib masih ada rezeki.. terserempak ngan lina & the geng.. & thanks jugak kasik nasi lemak tu eeekkk.. berisi jugak perut ni... hehee.. save duit tak yah beli dinner.. kekekekee..

Memula masa on the way to Hyatt Plaza tu.. quite surprise gak.. napalah banyak sangat kete arini.. hmmm.. mesti ada something big happen around Aspire Zone.. hmm.. dah agak dah.. rupanya ada Opening Ceremony Pan Arab Games arini.. ingatkan semalam.. sebab dari semalam lagi.. jalan sikit nyer jem macam hazab dari tengahari kat kawasan ni.. nasib lah tadi masa nak kuar rumah aku sambar kamera kecik aku ngan tripod sekali.. cadangnya memula nak amik gambar sekitar pasar malam.. dah pasar malamnya habis.. sudah salah masa.. jadi.. dari hyatt.. aku jalan kaki jer ke arah Aspire Zone.. lebih specific.. Khalifa Stadium & Aspire Tower (The Torch Tower)..

Lokasi Aspire Zone dekat jer sebelah Villagio.. & Villagio ni jugak dekat jer.. sebelah ngan Hyatt Plaza.. so.. dari satu keje nak gi carik parking ngan kete yg hazab punya banyak kat Villagio tu.. baik aku jalan kaki jer.. sebab Dodge tu dah parking sikit nyer baik kat Hyatt.. kekekekee.. 

Torch Tower is just beside Villagio
Boleh di lihat dari gambar di atas lokasi Torch Tower tersebut yang hanya bersebelahan dengan Villagio.. Dari Villagio ni juga ada covered walkway yang menyambungkan Torch Tower dan Villagio.. Kalau tak silap aku... Torch Tower / Aspire Tower ni dibina masa Sukan Asia Doha tahun 2006 dulu.. Sekarang dalam Torch Tower ni ada Restoran Berputar.. yang macam ada kat KL Tower tu.. They called the Restoran as 360 Restaurant.. hmmm.. insyaallah satu hari nanti aku akan naik kat restoran nie.. tapi buat masa sekarang lum lagi.. sebab takkan lah nak naik situ makan sorang2 kan.. mana syok maaa.. kena lar ada teman.. insan yang istimewa tu pulak takde kat sisi aku sekarang.. nuunnn jauh beribu batu kat KL tu.. nanti kalau ada rezeki & umur panjang.. insyaallah when my wife is here.. i'll bring her here to enjoy the food & the view as well... insyaallah...

Below are some other pictures of the Aspire Tower and Khalifa Stadium during the Opening Ceremony of Pan Arab Games 2011..

Left: The Torch     Right: Khalifa Stadium

One of the landmark of Aspire Zone

taken from the area below the picture above of what is happening inside the Khalifa Stadium.. wah ada bunga api kat dalam tu..

Panorama View of Aspire Zone

from the other angle showing the Stadium & the Torch
I was standing quite near to the Khalifa Stadium.. aiming my camera as the above picture & hoping that the fireworks will be fired from the Aspire Park area behind the stadium from my point of view here.. As you can see.. there is a Police officer sitting on the above picture & there is also a man lift/bridge lift behind him.. kawasan di belakang pegawai polis tu berpagar.. kat belakang man lift tu jugak leh nampak macam a miniature of al-fana tower.. huhuhu.. aku yang duk kat luar ni.. tak tahu apa yang jadik kat belakang tu.. & untuk apa miniature al-fana tower tu.. huhuhu.. tak lama lepas tu polis tu datang kat aku.. & suruh aku beredar kebelakang sikit.. aku ingatkan pasal apa kaann.. 

pastu.. boleh dilihat obor pun sudah dinyalakan.. boleh nampak dari tempat aku berdiri.. obor tu macam menjalar di sekeliling al-fana tower tu hingga ke puncak.. & menandakan Pan Arab Games 2011 dengan rasminya dibuka.. tiba2..

tak lama lepas tu.. BOOM!!! bunga api tu meletup betul2 kat kawasan yang berpagar tu.. terkejut & kelam kabut aku nak amik gambar.. hahahaha.. nie jer yang aku dapat amik memula tu.. then the fireworks stop..

aku ingat dah habis dah bunga api tu.. aku pun beredar sikit.. untuk amik gambar dari sudut yang lain Khalifa Stadium & Obor tersebut seperti gambar di bawah..

different angle of the Khalifa Stadium with the torch light up at the top of "al-fana tower"

they started the fireworks again.. & I get lucky to capture this image.. 

they started the fireworks show again.. semua bunga api tu duk meletup atas kepala aku.. terkejut aku.. pastu lak camera Olympus Pen E-P1 nie lak.. lepas amik long exposure.. dia proses lambat untuk aku amik gambar seterusnya.. decided then to change it to video format & record it from there per video below uploaded in you-tube.. just ignore the background voice haaa.. duk seronok sendiri sorang2.. wakakkakaa.. bila dengar balik macam org bengong pun ada gak.. wakkakakaka...

below are another video posted by someone from inside the stadium.. as you can see its sync with the music inside the stadium.. really wonderful show.. thumbs up to Doha.. hehehehehe

overall view of Aspire Park after the Opening Cermony of Pan Arab Games 2011 ends

k guys.. that's all for now.. will write soon insyallah.. hehehee.. enjoy the pictures & video posted here... wassalam...